The GDR NBODY - problème quantique à N corps en chimie et physique ( - created in 2019, is a french initiavite aiming at building bridges between theoreticians in quantum chemiscry and quantum physics, and mathematicians, in order to enable the development of new calculatory approaches based on quantum mechanics, with particular enphasis on novel approaches applicable to simulating physico-chemical phenomena in diluted and condensed media.ulation des milieux diluées et condensées.
First general meeting
This first general meeting is organized around four pedagogical talk that will aim to provide an overview of
The quantum N-body problem in quantum chemistry (Michel CAFFAREL, LPCQ, Toulouse)
The quantum N-body problem in condeset matter physics (Pina ROMANIELLO, LPT, Toulouse)
The quantum N-body problem in mathematics (Mathieu LEWIN, CEREMADE, Paris)
The quantum N-body problem in nuclear physics (Thomas DUGUET, DRF/IRFU/DPhN/LENA, Paris)